
Showing posts from April, 2019

The Immigration Process to Canada Via Express Entry, From a South African

Photo credit to Kyle Glenn  @kylejglenn 30 April 2019 This is a very basic guideline to the immigration process to Canada. Based on our personal experience, our friends’ experience following us to Canada, and general knowledge I picked up on social media groups. Personally, I do not believe an immigration agent is necessary as Canada makes it really easy to apply yourself. I hope this post assists you with your journey ahead! Intro Let’s start by confirming what we’re doing… Are we immigrating, emigrating or both? Immigrating is when you enter a foreign country with intentions to settle there. Emigrating is when you leave a country.  In 2018 we migrated from South Africa to Canada. Said differently, we immigrated to Canada and emigrated from South Africa. A way to remember this is i(in)mmigration and e(ex)migration.   Firstly, well done for picking a direction. It took us many years of, ‘yes’, ‘maybe’, ‘no’, ‘not now’, ‘maybe next year’, ‘but my care...

How to Draft a Canadian Resume, From a South African

25 April 2019 Bearing in mind I had not touched my  CV  resume in 13 years, I had a lot of catching up to do in terms of my research. I took 2 solid days and nights to research how to draft a Canadian resume, falling for “free” websites that won’t release your document unless you insert your credit card details. It took me 5 days to put everything on paper, and a further 3 months to continuously tweak my resume after each meeting with talent managers, COO's of law firms, managing directors, coaches, mentors, bank managers, presidents of banks, VPs, lawyers and more. Let’s start with simple terminology Resume – 2 pages in length, do not use as a heading on your resume. CV – 5 pages plus in length, going into more detail for every position (never seen in Toronto). Talent Acquisition Manager – I knew this title as HR Manager back home. Counsel / Attorney / Solicitor / Barrister – they all have their own meaning, I used counsel. I was called to the bar ...