Ever wondered how long it takes to get through the gates at YYZ (Toronto Pearson International Airport)?
My flight from Toronto – 35 minutes to "check in" Departing YYZ, CA: 10h00 I arrived at the YYZ airport on the UP train (25 minutes from Union station), walked to Terminal 1 Gate F (USA) 10h06 I arrived at Gate F 10h19 I arrived at customs after my bags were inspected, laptop switched on and scanned. Thereafter you go to a self-help computer to have your fingerprints scanned and a photo was taken and receive a receipt for the immigration officer – I heard people missed their flight as this queue took 90 minutes to get through later that day 10h26 I joined a queue to meet with an immigration officer, handed over the receipt and passport checked 10h35 I was through customs and in the duty-free area Arriving in AUS, TX: You hop off the plane, down an escalator, and you’re out in less than 5 minutes. My flight to Toronto – 67 minutes to Union station via UP train Departing AUS, TX: There is just a security check, no customs. 10 minutes to...