How to be a Pro on LinkedIn, transform your profile in 10 easy steps!
23 May 2019 I’m writing this blog for the individuals in/from South Africa (SA). For some reason, the LinkedIn culture has not hit the shores of SA. When we moved to Canada, we had a rude awakening – no endorsements, no recommendations, barely a profile. Well, we changed that as quickly as Saffers would allow. After months of research, seminars, webinars, this is my advice on how to boost/create your LinkedIn profile: 1- Intro/Background Picture This is what will set you aside from the average LinkedIn user. Find a suitable yet professional picture related to you or your industry. Take a picture or create a background and insert text with Canva, or use Unsplash with a simple yet sophisticated picture. Anything but the standard blue background. Get creative, build your brand. 2- Intro/Profile Picture = 36x more views A professional and up to date (I repeat – up to date) picture is a necessity. I often network with people over a coffee and when I arrive, I some...